Dr. Burke & Associates PEI Junior Golf Tour

Presented by Champion Golf School & PEIGA

The Dr. Burke & Associates PEI Junior Golf Tour is a summer long event that includes six competitive events, two team events and a two-day championship tournament along with PGA of Canada clinics and instructions.  The first event will be May 12, this will act as the first clinic of the season as well as an information session for the parents/participants.

This is an excellent program for experienced junior golfers between the ages of 12-18 who are golf course ready and looking to ‘play like the pros.’

Don’t let your son or daughter miss out and sign them up today!  Limited spaces are available.

Tour entry fee: $345

Contact brodieward.golf@gmail.com before March 15 to secure a spot in the qualifying event.

2024 Schedule of Events 

Sunday, May 121pmAndersons Creek – Rules & Etiquette Session
followed by a Drive/Chip/Putt Skills Competition
Sunday, June 21pmFox Meadow
Sunday, June 91pmCountryview
Sunday, June 231pmBelvedere
July 3-4
MacKenzie Clow Junior Championship*
July TBDTBDSkills Development Session at TBD
Monday, July 81:50pmBrudenell
Tuesday, July 99amForest Hills 9 hole partner scramble event**
Monday, July 291pmMill River
Monday, August 51pmAndersons Creek
August TBDTBDSkills Development Session at TBD
August 19-20
1pmGreen Gables Golf Course
Dr. Burke & Associates PEI Junior Championship
Registration Closes August 2

Click Here For Results

Photos from Event #1 at Fox Meadow
Photos from Event #2 at Countryview
Photos from Event #3 at Belvedere
Photos from Event #4 at Brudenell
Photos from Event #5 at Mill River
Photos from Day 1 Junior Championship

*This event is not included in the Dr. Burke & Associates PEI Junior Tour registration fee, please contact Sean Joyce (sean@millriver.ca) at Mill River Golf Course to register separately for this event.

**This event is not eligible for points.

The first three events and the MacKenzie Clow Junior Championship will count toward National and Atlantic Qualifying.

Points will be earned at the 6 competitive events for tour prizes/placement. The PEI Junior Championship results will stand alone for prizing/placement at that event.

The Dr. Burke & Associates PEI Junior Championship is offered at no additional charge for tour participants but you must follow the link provided to register. Cost for non-tour participants is $85+HST. Space is limited for non-tour participants.

For more information please contact:
Brodie Ward – brodieward.golf@gmail.com
Kevin Champion – kevin@islandcoastalgolf.com

The Dr. Burke & Associates PEI Junior Tour is committed to the True sport principles